Sculpture from photo, sculpture. story project As Aventuras Do KorvoRão by Ithaka Darin Pappas. The project was created in Lisbon, Portugal in 1993....
Artist, Ithaka Darin Pappas in Jaipur, India (February 2018). Photo Yadz... Ithaka exibe insetos feitos de restos de pranchas Desta vez, o grande destaque é o artista Íthaka (ou Ithaka Darin Pappas). Ele mostrou na Califórnia (EUA) uma coleção de esculturas de insetos. É importante destacar galerias que abrem espaço para as exposições de artistas que trabalham reutilizando materiais e criando...
"ithaka" oder die kunst surfboards zu reinkarnieren Geschrieben von: Arnd Vehling "Ithaka" , oder was haben Musik, Surfen und "reinkarnierte Surfboards" miteinander zu tun? Achtung: Bilder und Video im Artikel. Are you doing in life what you was meant to? Are you doing in life what you was...
Músico californiano Ithaka promove exposição Reencarnação de uma Prancha de Surf em Costa Mesa, Califórnia (EUA). Cartaz da mostra Reencarnação de uma Prancha de Surf. Foto: Reprodução. Entre os dias 5 e 12 de junho na cidade de Costa Mesa, Califórnia (EUA), o músico e artista californiano...
Ithaka Darin Pappas, better known as Ithaka, is an American hip-hop artist, sculptor and surfer who placed this piece up for auction at the Night of a Million Waves Gala and Art Auction on Saturday in Huntington Beach. Photograph by: Ani Yessayan, Los Angeles Times Source: ...
"WINTER KEYS" (Purple & Blue) two sculptures made in Southern California that are part of Ithaka's ongoing body of work entitled, The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard - Find out more about "The Reincarnation of a Surfboard" universe at and follow his most recent work...
"Platinum Waves" A Wall-Mounted Recycled Surfboard Sculpture by: Ithaka made in AkahtiLândia, Brazil in 2010 and is part of his ongoing body of work entitled, The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard. This piece now resides in the collection of renowned Brazilian surf-media journalist, Ricardo Macario. Find out...
The "Taro Reef" Series "Since 2010, I have become more and more involved with photographing the miniscule, specifically insects. And as I have been occupying my time with documenting these tiny creatures, I sometimes see other things I might normally not even pay attention to (if...