06 Feb Beyond South Central: Rap legends N.W.A. as seen thru the lens of Ithaka Darin Pappas (1988-1990)
サウスセントラルを越えて:ラップレジェンド N.W.A.イサカ・ダリン・パパスのレンズを通して見たもの(1988-1990) ...
サウスセントラルを越えて:ラップレジェンド N.W.A.イサカ・ダリン・パパスのレンズを通して見たもの(1988-1990) ...
Ithaka (Ithaka Darin Pappas) live performance at World Expo '98 Lisbon, Portugal. ...
''Escape From The City Of Angels'' is a hip hop song recorded in 1995 by Californian-born lyricist and vocalist, Ithaka (featuring Marta Dias) which, in 1997, appeared in Columbia Pictures' feature film release The Replacement Killers starring Mira Sorvino, Chow Yun-fat, Clifton Collins Jr. and...
"Em Direção à Ithaka" (On The Way To Ithaka)"Em Direção à Ithaka" (On The Way To Ithaka) Ithaka Darin Pappas documentary directed by Susanna Lira (Modo Operante) @_ithaka_ [][][] On The Way To Ithaka (Em Direção à Ithaka) artist documentary about Ithaka Darin Pappas made in...
Artist, Ithaka Darin Pappas in Jaipur, India (February 2018). Photo Yadz...
"ithaka" oder die kunst surfboards zu reinkarnieren Geschrieben von: Arnd Vehling "Ithaka" , oder was haben Musik, Surfen und "reinkarnierte Surfboards" miteinander zu tun? Achtung: Bilder und Video im Artikel. Are you doing in life what you was meant to? Are you doing in life what you was...