12 Aug Ithaka on SPORT TV channel
SPORT TV channel highlighted Ithaka's most recent work, with an interview, that can be seen at sporttv.pt/ and sporttv.pt/programas/ or through the surfers agent at wayofarts.com/press/ and wayofarts.com/ithaka/...
SPORT TV channel highlighted Ithaka's most recent work, with an interview, that can be seen at sporttv.pt/ and sporttv.pt/programas/ or through the surfers agent at wayofarts.com/press/ and wayofarts.com/ithaka/...
Find out more about "The Reincarnation of a Surfboard" universe at wayofarts.com/ithaka/ and follow his most recent work and captivating history through wayofarts.com/events/ or through his personal page at facebook.com/ithaka.artist For more information and prices about the artist and his work go to the ONLINE Shop...
See more footage of Ithaka's biggest event in 2012, at WOA|way of arts, in Cascais, Portugal, and know more about the surfer and artists events that have been taking place all around the world at wayofarts.com/events/ or read more about Ithaka and his unique history...
Find out more about "The Reincarnation of a Surfboard" universe at wayofarts.com/ithaka/ and follow his most recent work and captivating history through wayofarts.com/events/ or through his personal page at facebook.com/ithaka.artist For more information and prices about the artist and his work go to the ONLINE Shop...
Find out more about "The Reincarnation of a Surfboard" universe at wayofarts.com/ithaka/ and follow his most recent work and captivating history through wayofarts.com/events/ or through his personal page at facebook.com/ithaka.artist For more information and prices about the artist and his work go to the ONLINE Shop...
Find out more about "The Reincarnation of a Surfboard" universe at wayofarts.com/ithaka/ and follow his most recent work and captivating history through wayofarts.com/events/ or through his personal page at facebook.com/ithaka.artist For more information and prices about the artist and his work go to the ONLINE Shop...
Ithaka blasted through another outstanding event/exhibition, this time at the Hurley Town Hall gallery, in Costa Mesa California, USA, October 2013. To know more about the exhibition go to WOA|way of arts and see through the outstanding event at Hurley's gallery! For more information on Ithaka's mos...
Electric Glue is how FOAM magazine entitled the article on Ithaka, where you can read more about directly on their website at foammagazine.com/art/ and foammagazine.com/music/ or through the surfers agent at wayofarts.com/press/ and wayofarts.com/ithaka/...
See more footage of Ithaka's biggest event in 2012, at WOA|way of arts, in Cascais, Portugal, and know more about the surfer and artists events that have been taking place all around the world at wayofarts.com/events/ or read more about Ithaka and his unique history...
Find out more about "The Reincarnation of a Surfboard" universe at wayofarts.com/ithaka/ and follow his most recent work and captivating history through wayofarts.com/events/ or through his personal page at facebook.com/ithaka.artist For more information and prices about the artist and his work go to the ONLINE Shop...